Ενημέρωση: 25-10-2012 23:06 | Συντελεστές

Was born in 1956 in Warsaw. Art and film critic, independent curator of art exhibitions in Poland and abroad (most in Germany, Lithuania and USA), international art workshops in Poland, also film festivals.
Guest lecturer in Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Wrocław.
Lives and works in Warsaw.
1975-1979, Warsaw University, Institute of Culture, MA;
Since 2004 - now – independent curator and art critic, director of NOTORO Gallery Agency, a member of Art Board of Association of Polish Artists, Warsaw, vice-president of Art Association Kampania Artystyczna, Warsaw
2000-03 ART & BUSINESS, monthly, editor-in-chief, also portal artbiznes.pl, editor-in-chief
1995-99 The State Gallery of Art, Sopot (n. Gdańsk), general director
1996-99 PROJEKT, Visual Arts, quarterly, editor-in-chief
1993 NOTORO Art Foundation, Warsaw, president
1989-93 NOTORO Gallery Agency, Warsaw, director
1984-90 SZTUKA, art bimonthly, executive secretary
1983-87 Film Club „Hybrydy”, Warsaw, curator of film reviews, freelancer
1983-84 Ład, catholic weekly, chief of cultural department
1981-83 Jestem, Polish Red Cross monthly, editor
1981 Animafilm, quarterly on animated film, editor.
A Member of the Board of Daniel Chodowiecki Foundation (founded by Gűnter Grass for the promotion of Polish Art)
Akademie der Kűnste (Academy of Arts), Berlin (1996-99)
International curator invited by galleries and art organizations from Lithuania, France, Germany, Bulgaria, Portugal.
A member of the Jury of many artistic competitions, also international.
Took part in the international conferences and symposiums (incl. NOTORO Symposions in Poland 1990-91, Engagiertes Kino in Hamburg and Berlin, 2001
Culture and National Identity in the New European Union (PHARE 2002), Vilnius 2005
Migration of Art: Challenges, Perspectives, Urgent Points, Kaunas 2007).
Study trips to Germany, Denmark, Belgium, USA, South Africa, China.
Cooperation to Goethe Institut Warsaw, Lithuanian Centre in Warsaw, and Polish Institutes in Europe, including Düsseldorf, Kiev, Sofia and London.
Published in magazines: circa 1500 from 1977.
BOOKS – AUTHOR (selected from 20)
Apogeum. New Expression 1987
CCA, Toruń 2010
East Beast – Polnische neue Expression, Dresden 2010
Volker Schlöndorff, Warsaw 2009
Contemporary Art from Lithuania – ANEW, Bydgoszcz 2008
New Expression. 20 Years. Vol. 2, Olsztyn 2008
Warsaw in Berlin. Polish contemporary Painting, Warsaw-Berlin 2006
New Expression. 20 Years. Indtroduction, Olsztyn 2006
Warsaw in Kiev. Polish Contemporary Art, Warsaw 2004, all critics and interviews, New German Cinema – from 1962 to now – including Lexicon of film directors, Sopot 1998, Red & White. The Eastern Wave. Polish and Russian contemporary Art, Warsaw 1989, NOTORO. Film analyses, Cracow 1986.
BOOKS - CO-AUTHOR (circa 60):
ART EXHIBITIONS (selected from 120 last 4 years), CURATOR
2010 Ostrale 2010 – International contemporary Art Festival, Zentrum für zeitgenössische
Kunst, Dresden (co-curator of Polish and Lithuanian Artists)
- Painted in Cracow, Nurnberg-Berlin-Leipzig-Bad Reichenhall
- Eastern Girls: Poland & Lithuania, Lithuanian Centre, Warsaw
- East Beast – Polnische neue Expression, Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Dresden;
- Eastern Girls: Poland, Meno parkas Galerija, Kaunas
2009 TTL (Gintautas Trimakas, Remigijus Treigys, Alvydas Lukys) – Point of View, Lithuanian Centre, Warsaw
- Junge Polnische Malerei – Kunst aus Niederschlesie,n Dresden-Nurnberg-Bad Reichenhall-Wiesbaden-Aachen
2008-09 Contemporary Art of Lithuania – ANEW, City Gallery bwa, Bydgoszcz
Gallery Szyb Wilson, Katowice
BWA Gallery, Olsztyn; Palace of Art, Klaipeda
2008 Kaunas in Art: Contexts (guest curator to international project), galleries in Kaunas
- REDLine’ 08 (guest curator to international project), Ideas Emergentes, Porto
- New Expression. 20 Years. Vol. 2, BWA Gallery, Olsztyn; Gallery Szyb Wilson, Katowice
2007 Stasys Eidrigevičius. Painting. The Old and the Latest Photographies, Contemporary Art Gallery at Wigry,
– XIII International Painting Triennial, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius (curator of Polish participants)
- Lietuvos menas sziandien (Lithuanian Painting Now), Lithuanian Centre, Warsaw
FILM REVIEWS & FESTIVALS (curator & co-curator)
1997 Niemcy jesienią 2 (Germany in Autumn 2), Żak Club, Gdańsk;
1996 Art Film Festival Sopot’96, State Gallery of Art, cinemas: Bałtyk, Polonia, Sopot;
- NOTORO – Festival of Visual Arts, Contemporary Art Centre, Stodoła Club, Warsaw
1988 Herbert Achternbusch – Bawarski Chaplin (Herbert Achternbusch – Bavarian
Chaplin), Kwant Film Club, Warsaw
1986 Expression – 2nd Review of Films about Art, Hybrydy Film Club, Warsaw
- II Warsaw Film Week, Warsaw, co-curator;
1985 I Warsaw Film Week (now Warsaw International Film Festival), Warsaw, co-curator
- Fantastic - 1st Review of Films about Art, Hybrydy Film Club, Warsaw
- 1984/85 - Niemcy jesienią / Deutschland im Herbst (Germany in Autumn), Hybrydy Film Club, Kwant Film Club, Warsaw, film review and seminar, co-curator.
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