Updated: 06-11-2013 14:48 | Artists

Manos KARATZOGIANNIS was born in Athens on Christmas day in 1981 and holds a first class degree
from New Hellenic Theatre of George Annenis Drama School (2003). He has been
nominated for the prestigious Dimitris Hom Award for Best Performance of Young
Actor (2007-2008 A Season in Hell - by A. Rimbaud, dir. by Th. Anastopoulos).
2012-2013 Atomic Alert-by F. Sonntag, directed by L.Giovanidis-Michael Cacoyannis Foundation.
2012 The List - by C. Lionaki, directed by T.Mays - performed at St. Dennis Festival, Paris.
2011-12-13 The Parade (Aris) - by L. Anagnostaki, dir. by E. Fezollari-Theatre of Neos Kosmos and Theatre Polis (Athens) and on tour (Cyprus, Patras, Larisa, Mykonos and Lefkada).
2011 Act without Words (Everyman) - by S. Beckett, dir. A Kralli - School of Fine Arts (Athens), participation in International 3rd Street Festival.
2010 Fairytale with no Name (Prince)-by P. Delta, adapted by V. Raptopoulos and T. Tzarnargias, dir. by T. Tzarnargias - National Theatre of Greece, summer tour
2010, Repeat performances 2011.
2010 The Unsaid- by G. Chimonas, dir. by T. Tzarnargias-Athens Festival.
2009 The Mist (Stefanos) - by A. & K. Koufalis, dir. by T. Tzarnargias - Filippi
Festival (Kavala), winter season 2009 Theatre Poreia (Athens), Sarajevo Winter Festival 2012, repeat performances Theatre Theseio (Athens) 2012.
2009 Sonnets - by W. Shakespear, dir. by L. Giovanidis, 104 Kentro Logou & Technis (Athens).
2008 Tonight We 're Dining at Jocasta's (Stefanos)- by A. Dimou, dir. by S. Fasoulis- Theatre Dimitris Hom (Athens), repeat winter season 2009, on tour (Cyprus, Thessaloniki).
2008 The sound of Gun (Michalis) - by L. Anagnostaki, dir. by E. Papakonstantinou
- 104 Kentro Logou & Technis (Athens).
2007-2008 A Season in Hell - by A. Rimbaud, dir. By Th. Anastopoulos-Theatre of Neos Kosmos (Athens) (nominated for the Dimitris Horn Award for Best Performance of Young Actor).
2007 Plato- by Th. Pelegrinis, dir. By G. Maniatis - Megaron the Athens Concert Hall.
2007 Blue Melancholy (Altin in M. Koumantareas's monologue) by M. Koumantareas, M. Douka and M. Eleftberiou dir. by G. Michaelidis AA'tiv - Theatre Anoichto (Athens).
2006 Music and Poetry Ensemble, dir.by M. Spyratou - Delpbi Festival.
2006 Voices- by C. P. Kavafis, ed. by M. Savvidis, dir. by M. Spyratou -Theatre Athinon (Athens).
2004 The Rehearsal (Paraskevas)- by G. Armenis, dir. by G. Armenis -Theatre Neo Elliniko (Athens).
2003 The Fastest Clock in the World (Foxtrot)- by P. Ridley, dir. by M. Ginos - Theatre Chytyrio (Athens).
2002-2003 The Tape (Giorgakis) - by L. Anagnostaki , dir. by G. Armenis - Theatre Neo Elliniko (Athens).
2002 Bacchae (chorus)- by Euripides, dir. by P. Hall- Epidaurus Festival, National Theatre of London.
2001 These Ghosts - by E. De Filippo, dir. by G. Armenis - winter tour in Greece.
2001 Young Hero - by S. Anemodouras, dir. by D. Piatas, Commedia Theatre Company - Lycabettus (open air theatre, Athens), summer tour.
2001 The Italian Straw Hat - by E. Labiche, dir. by G. Iordanidis -Greek National Opera, repeat performances 2002.
2001 Jack or The Submission (Father Roberts) - by E. Ionesco dir. by G. Arrnenis Theatre Neo Elliniko (Athens).
2000 Marjoram at the Threshold - by G. Armenis, dir. by G. Arrnenis, prod. by the Municipal and Regional Theatres of Serres and Veria - Herodion Theatre (Athens), summer tour.
Collaboration with the following film directors
• Benoit Jacquot -A tout de suite (2004 Cannes Festival).
• Isavella Mavraki - Don't pass! Red light is on (2003 Thessaloniki Film Festival).
• Michalis Ginos - Scraps (2010 Patras Festival). Collaboration with the following TV directors
• Panagiotis Gravas, There we go again - MEGA 2007.
• Vicky Manoli, Margarita - ALPHA 2006.
• Tassos Psaras, Angelina's Treasure - NET 2005.
• Alexandros Rigas, The Red Room (The Bet) - MEGA 2005.
• Pigi Dimitrakopoulou, Almost Never - NET 2004.
• Vassilis Nemeas, The Four Eyes - ALPHA 2004.
• Christos Dimas, Almost Never - NET 2003 and a promo film for the 2004 Thessaloniki Film Festival.
Other collaborations
Readings at various literary events for the following authors, poets, and/or playwrights: Alexiou, Anagnostaki, Dimoula, Eleftheriou, Kontos, Koumantareas, Niarchos, Ritsos, Fyntanidis, Chimonas, Tsarouchis (Benaki Museum, Kastaniotis Publications, Kedros Publications, Metaixmio Publications).
Participation in the National Theatre of Greece's Readings curated by S. Papathanassiou in plays by V. Katsikonouris (The T-shirt), C. Lionaki (The List), N.Rapi (Acrobatics) under the direction of N. Diamantis, E. Fezollari and T. Tzamargias accordingly.
2010 Acting seminar with Olympia Doukakis.
2010 Voice seminars with Mirka Gementzaki.
2009-2010 Voice and speech workshop with Spyros Sakkas.
2001 Tupa Sudana movement.
Other skills
Languages: English, German.
Knowledge of classic guitar.
(Emmanouil) Manos Karatzogiannis
Address: 9 Kynourias str.,
Athens 118 53, Greece
Tel. no. ++30 697 3890564
Email: karatzom@yahoo.gr
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